Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We adopted a cat from the Humane Society on Friday, October 9th. He was such a beautiful and sweet cat; we knew he would fit right in. He let Abby play with him where most other cats would run away and hide. The only problem was that we couldn't get him to eat. Yesterday, Dusty had a panel of blood tests done and we received the news that he was in 75% kidney failure. We had to put him to sleep last night. We didn't have him for long, but he was already a part of our family. We will miss you Dusty-- until we meet again-- we love you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Fun With The Cousins!

We were able to spend 2 1/2 weeks in Monroe visiting Grandpa Smith and Abby's 1st cousins who were visiting from Vermont. It was a great time. We got to see my brother, whom we haven't seen in two years, my sister-in-law, my two nephews, and my brand new niece. Abby loved hanging out with them, following Clayton everywhere, bugging Noah whenever she got the chance, taking off Josie's socks, and being tickled by Uncle Justin. It was hard to see them go... but it was great while it lasted. We celebrated Abby's 1st birthday, Clayton's 5th birthday/the 24th of July (same day), and Grandpa's 62nd birthday. We also rode horses, joined a primary parade, watched a big parade, set off fireworks, and watched big fireworks. It was a great vacation. Thanks for coming... Vermonters! Pictures will be updated soon!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Vacation to the Beach

We have recently returned from a beautiful vacation to the Oregon Coast. It was absolutely fantastic to see Jared's family and to enjoy the amazing scenery. While we were there we visited an aquarium, three lighthouses, the Devil's Punchbowl, a great shopping outlet mall, and the Tillamook cheese factory. Abby loved playing with her Grammy and Poppy, her aunts, and all the cousins. She absolutely loved the ocean and the sand. The little girl cousins taught her how to squeal when the waves came in, and she loved every minute of it... cold water and all! I am playing catch up with my picture albums... I am currently showing the one from our vacation. However, there are a few other new albums on the web. Have a look if you so desire! We will be going on anotther vacation for the last two weeks of July. My brother and his family are visiting from Vermont! We are so excited to see them and to play with them for 2 weeks! This will be the first time for Abby to play with her first cousins.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

More to come... as soon as I get some time!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Latest Professional Picture

So I haven't been very good at updating the blog. However, I promise to do so over spring break- next week! Here is the last picture taken of Abby in the studio.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

We have just sent the latest rendition of professional Abby pictures from her 6 month shoot. She is growing so fast! It is unbelievable how fast the time goes. Jared is doing well at the "U", but unbelievably busy with homework. I swear he is even doing homework in his sleep. Missy has started down the other side of the school year hill, and is so far really enjoying Murray School District. Abby has started her "Aqua Tots" swimming lessons at the Murray Rec Center, and she loves it. She is a regular little fish! We hope all are well- have a great Valentine's Day!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy New Year

It's been a couple of months since we've written, and Abby has definitely changed! She's had lots of first's... and I hope all is well with all of my viewers!